Development Guide

Quick development setup

Clone upstream git repository:

$ git clone
$ cd waiverdb

If you plan to fix issues or implement new features, create fork. Then update “upstream” and “origin” remotes:

$ git remote rename origin upstream
$ git remote add origin$USER/waiverdb.git

Install packages required by pip to compile some python packages:

$ sudo dnf install swig openssl-devel cpp gcc

Install dependencies in a virtual environment:

$ poetry install

Run the server:

$ cp conf/ conf/
$ DEV=true poetry run waiverdb run -h localhost -p 5004 --debugger

Migrate the db:

$ DEV=true poetry run waiverdb db upgrade

The server is now running at on localhost port 5004. Consult the REST API for available API calls. All data is stored inside /var/tmp/waiverdb_db.sqlite.

Adjusting configuration

You can configure this app by copying conf/ into conf/ and adjusting values as you see fit. It overrides default values in waiverdb/

Running test suite

To test against all supported versions of Python, you can use tox:

$ sudo dnf install python3-tox
$ tox

Building the documentation

You can build the documentation locally with tox -e docs or:

$ cd docs
$ make html

To view the documentation:

$ firefox _build/html/index.html